Promotional Sponsor Program

Spread the Word and Receive Financial Compensation!

If you and your clients have found value by adding Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, and/or New Manual Articular Approach into your clinical work, please share your enthusiasm!

Promotional Sponsors will receive 10% tuition credit for each new person they refer who completes VM1, NM1, or MAUE/MALE/MASP.

Generate Clients and Referrals

To assist you with sharing Barral Manual Therapies we will email a personalized flyer for you to email or print and use to educate colleagues about the upcoming VM1, NM1, and/or MAUE/MALE/MASP courses in your area.

Here are some other promotional ideas:

  • Call/email practitioners you know and explain how VM1, NM1, and/or MAUE/MALE/MASP has benefitted your practice/clients.
  • Share the information at local chapter meetings.
  • Set up in-services with clinics and hospitals.
  • Write articles for local newsletters or share articles we have available on our website.

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